The largest Construction Local Union in North America
Founded in 1952 by our first member, Brother Gerry Gallagher, and with little more than 400 members in our first year, LiUNA! Local 183 has grown to now represent over 60, 000 construction and industrial workers, making us the largest Construction Local Union in North America.
Safety for all workers is a prime concern of LiUNA! Local 183. We are very active in the promotion of safe work practices in the construction industry, and provide the most up to date and comprehensive training with a focus on the skills that are in the most demand.
We know the value of hard work and like the many members we represent who toil in adverse environments and under severe circumstances, we take the needs and wants of our membership very seriously. In fact, our members enjoy premium wage rates, fruitful and comfortable retirement, and a benefits package that is the best, not just in the Construction Industry, but throughout organized labour.
We also support and sponsor many charities, fund raising initiatives and social events throughout the year. Many are representative of an ethnic group who comprise a strong base within LiUNA! Local 183. Our goal is to maintain a constant view on, and participation in each community so that LiUNA! Local 183 is better able to serve the specific needs of each group.
Strength in numbers always prevails, and we recognize the need to grow. We employ substantial resources to expand both our membership and our jurisdiction with the intent of continuing our growth trend that has seen LiUNA! Local 183 attain our significant status. Feel the power!